
Welcome to the realm of Psychologist, Author, Blogger, Artist & Teacher ~ Karen Wrighton aka SleeplessPsyche.

If you have you ever wondered "why?" or asked yourself what on earth possessed someone to behave that way? Maybe you have wondered if anyone out there really does have psychic powers. If so then you probably already have worked out that the study of the mind and behaviour of humans is truly a fascinating occupation. It is, but you may also come to the sad realisation as do all Psychologists, that no matter how long we study the mind we will never fully be able to understand it. It's complexity is beyond even the most intelligent and learned amongst us.

That said partly because of this it is and will always remain one of the most exciting and enthralling areas of science to be involved in. An area where there are still many mysteries to be unveiled and many questions to be answered.

The blog is generally for the benefit of FAN Psychology students (my classes) but as we journey into the complexities of the human mind. You are more than welcome to join us...


Wednesday, 20 February 2008


It is important to realise that stringent dieting plays a key role in problems of this nature but eating disorders are not simply cases of dieting that has become out of control.
Eating disorders are not just about trying to live up to media images of attractiveness, though social pressure to be thin may be a key factor.
Eating disorders can easily arise out of a response to distress and worries about areas of life other than body image or dieting.
Food is only part of the story.
Eating disorders are complex and can be life-threatening illnesses. They involve biological and psychological factors.

Some statistics
Over 90% of people diagnosed with eating disorders are adolescent or young women.
Eating disorders are rare in boys but increasing. The rate is less than one tenth that of females.
Approximately 1% of females aged 15-30 in the US and UK suffers from anorexia nervosa, although estimates vary.
About 2-3% of young women develop bulimia nervosa, but it is harder to detect and may be many more.
There are about fifty times more female sufferers of bulimia nervosa than male.
About 10% of sufferers of anorexia nervosa, and about 3% of sufferers of bulimia nervosa, die through their illness, often by suicide due to severe depression.

Clinical symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
At least 15% below normal body weight
Person sees himself or herself as overweight even when extremely thin
Person is terrified of weight gain
Food and weight are obsessions
Compulsive behaviour around food
Amenorrhea in females (menstruation stops)
Impotence in males

Medical complications associated with Anorexia Nervosa
Starvation causes damage to vital organs such as the brain and heart
The body slows down to try to protect itself: periods stop, even breathing rate, pulse and blood pressure drop
Nails and hair become brittle and the skin dries, yellows and grows downy hair
Bones become brittle due to loss of calcium
Excessive thirst and frequent urination
Dehydration and, consequently, constipation
Inability to cope with the cold due to lack of body fat
Severe depression

Clinical symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
Consumption of large amounts of food (bingeing), followed by purging or exercising obsessively
Obsession with body weight and shape
Bingeing and purging from once or twice a week to several times a day
Low self -esteem and fear of failure is typical (may not always be apparent)
Strong need for acceptance and reassurance

Medical complications associated with Bulimia Nervosa
Risk of heart failure due to loss of nutrients, especially potassium; also when drugs used to stimulate vomiting, bowel movements and urination.
Risk of stomach rupture.
Acid in vomit wears tooth enamel and teeth scar backs of hands.
Gullet (oesophagus) and cheeks become inflamed and swollen.
Irregular menstruation.
Loss of interest in sex.
Severe depression.