
Welcome to the realm of Psychologist, Author, Blogger, Artist & Teacher ~ Karen Wrighton aka SleeplessPsyche.

If you have you ever wondered "why?" or asked yourself what on earth possessed someone to behave that way? Maybe you have wondered if anyone out there really does have psychic powers. If so then you probably already have worked out that the study of the mind and behaviour of humans is truly a fascinating occupation. It is, but you may also come to the sad realisation as do all Psychologists, that no matter how long we study the mind we will never fully be able to understand it. It's complexity is beyond even the most intelligent and learned amongst us.

That said partly because of this it is and will always remain one of the most exciting and enthralling areas of science to be involved in. An area where there are still many mysteries to be unveiled and many questions to be answered.

The blog is generally for the benefit of FAN Psychology students (my classes) but as we journey into the complexities of the human mind. You are more than welcome to join us...


Sunday, 24 March 2013

Beating The Bad Weather Blues

Everyone seems to be talking about it, not surprising perhaps as in the UK it seems to be a national occupation, but this year some how it just seems a little bit worse than usual.  Yes it is that staple conversation starter... the weather.  Since the 'drought' was declared this time last year we seem to have had perpetually miserable weather.... rain, wind, snow, fog, blizzards sometimes all in one afternoon!

So can the weather affect our mood?  Well the short answer unsurprisingly is yes, in fact there is a legitimate psychological disorder driven by it called somewhat appropriately S.A.D or seasonally affected disorder.  The 'affected' bit refers to how emotions are influenced by the changing seasons.  The really 'sad' thing is that  this prolonged dip into winter that we are experiencing has a particularly bad effect not only on those people who suffer from this malady but to a certain extent all of us.

We all know that we feel happier and more positive when the sun shines and a little bit more gloomy in the winter but in people with S.A.D this effect is exaggerated to the point of it causing mood swings, depression, low energy and the need for prolonged periods of sleep.

So can we all beat these blues?  Well short of controlling the weather (still impossible - though there are some scientists who think they can!) there are the usual medications for depression but a more natural method is to use light therapy.  As little as 15 minutes of light each morning from a 'light box', which emits light from the same spectrum as natural daylight,  can vastly reduce or even eliminate symptoms.

If you would like to find out more or to find out how to purchase a light box visit the Seasonal Affected Disorder Association UK website.

For the rest of us who are just feeling a bit down with all this horrible weather.... throwing your curtains open as soon as you wake up, going outside or buying a natural light alarm clock should help bring a little bit of spring into our step without breaking the bank.


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